1) 添加:即增加一个人的记录到通信录中
2) 显示:即在屏幕上显示所有通信录中的人员信息,应能分屏显示。
3) 存储:即将通讯录信息保存在一个文件中。
4) 装入:即将文件中的信息读入程序。
5) 查询:可根据姓名查找某人的相关信息,若找到显示其姓名、地址、电话号码和邮政编码。
6) 修改:可修改一个人的除姓名外其它信息。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define CHARMAX 30 typedef struct record { char name[CHARMAX]; char phonenumber[11]; char address[3][CHARMAX]; //0-省 1-市 2-街道 char postcode[6]; struct record *next; } RECORD; void PrintMenu(); void AlterString(RECORD *head); RECORD *InputRecord(RECORD *head, int *total); void PrintAllRecords(RECORD *head, const int *total); RECORD *DeleteRecord(RECORD *head,int *total); RECORD *ReviseRecord(RECORD *head); RECORD *SearchRecord(RECORD *head, int onlyOneRecord) ; RECORD *ImportRecords(RECORD *head, int *total); RECORD *ExportRecords(RECORD *head); int main() { int total = 0, selection; RECORD *head = NULL; printf("Welcome to Directory Management System!\n"); printf("By XZ&YYM\n"); printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); do { PrintMenu(); scanf("%d", &selection); system("cls"); switch (selection) { case 0: break; case 1: head = InputRecord(head, &total); break; case 2: PrintAllRecords(head, &total); break; case 3: head = DeleteRecord(head,&total); break; case 4: head = ReviseRecord(head); break; case 5: SearchRecord(head,0); break; case 6: head = ImportRecords(head,&total); break; case 7: ExportRecords(head); break; default: printf("\n\n-- Sorry!Please input 0-10!\n"); }; } while (selection != 0); return 0; } void PrintMenu() { printf("\n"); printf("|1.Input record\n"); printf("|2.List all records\n"); printf("|3.Delete record\n"); printf("|4.Revise record\n"); printf("|5.Search record\n"); printf("|6.Import records from file\n"); printf("|7.Export records to file\n"); printf("|0.Exit\n"); printf("|Please input 0-7 to select function :"); } //功能:将字符串后的回车删掉 //入参:链表首地址 //出参:无 void AlterString(RECORD *head) { int m; RECORD *p1 = head; while (p1 != NULL) { for (m = 0; m < CHARMAX; m++) { if (*((p1->name) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->name) + m) = '\0'; } } for (m = 0; m < 11; m++) { if (*((p1->phonenumber) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->phonenumber) + m) = '\0'; } } for (m = 0; m < CHARMAX; m++) { if (*((p1->address[0]) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->address[0]) + m) = '\0'; } } for (m = 0; m < CHARMAX; m++) { if (*((p1->address[1]) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->address[1]) + m) = '\0'; } } for (m = 0; m < CHARMAX; m++) { if (*((p1->address[2]) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->address[2]) + m) = '\0'; } } for (m = 0; m < 6; m++) { if (*((p1->postcode) + m) == '\n') { *((p1->postcode) + m) = '\0'; } } p1 = p1->next; } } //功能:连续输入数据 //入参:链表首地址,数据总数地址 //出参:链表首地址 RECORD *InputRecord(RECORD *head, int *total) { int i = *total; char inputChar; RECORD *p = head, *input = (RECORD *) malloc(sizeof(RECORD)); printf("\n-- Start to Input Record\n"); //如果拥有数据,则输出现有数据总数 if (*total) { printf("-- You have had %d records\n\n", *total); } do { //输入数据 printf("Input NO.%d Record`s Name:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->name, CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("Input NO.%d Record`s Phone Number:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->phonenumber,CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("Input NO.%d Record`s Address:\n", i + 1); printf("- Input NO.%d Record`s Province:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[0], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input NO.%d Record`s City:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[1], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input NO.%d Record`s Street:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[2], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input NO.%d Record`s Postcode:", i + 1); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->postcode, 7, stdin); input->next = NULL; //插入时放于链表的最后 //插入数据,分为首数据和非首数据 if (head == NULL) { head = input; p = input; } else { while (p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; } p->next = input; } //增加数据计数 (*total)++; //询问是否继续 printf("\nDo you want to continue?(Y/N):"); scanf(" %c", &inputChar); if (inputChar == 'Y' || inputChar == 'y') { //直接用getchar必须输入大写Y才能继续 //创建新的空间 input = (RECORD *) malloc(sizeof(RECORD)); i++; } else { break; } } while (1); //将字符串后面的回车删除 AlterString(head); return head; } //功能:打印全部数据 //入参:链表首地址,数据总数地址 //出参:无 void PrintAllRecords(RECORD *head, const int *total) { int page = 1, firstIndex = 0, i, pageAmount = *total / 10 + 1; RECORD *p = head; do { system("cls"); //处理输入的数字过大或过小 if (page > pageAmount) { printf("-- Sorry! The MAX of pages is %d\n", pageAmount); } else if (page < 0) { printf("-- Sorry! The number have to be positive\n"); } else { //处理分页 firstIndex = 10 * (page - 1); printf("NO.\tName\tPhonenumber\tProvince\tCity\tStreet\tPostcode\t\n"); //处理前置数据 p = head; for (i = 0; i < firstIndex; ++i) { p = p->next; } i = 0; //输出数据 while (p != NULL && i < 10) { //todo 大量数据可能出现问题 i++; printf("NO.%d\t%s\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\n", i+firstIndex,p->name, p->phonenumber, p->address[0], p->address[1], p->address[2], p->postcode); p = p->next; } printf("-- Page %d (Total %d pages)\n ", page, pageAmount); } printf("-- Jump to page number (Input 0 to finish):"); scanf("%d", &page); } while (page); } //功能:删除某条数据 //入参:链表首地址 //出参:链表首地址 RECORD *DeleteRecord(RECORD *head,int *total) { RECORD *p1 = head, *p2,*searchResult; searchResult = SearchRecord(head, 1); while (p1 != NULL && p1 != searchResult) { p2 = p1; //p2上一个节点 p1 = p1->next; //p1下一个节点 } if (p1 == head) { head = p1->next; free(p1); (*total)--; //todo printf("\n-- Success!\n"); } else if (p1 != NULL) { p2->next = p1->next; free(p1); (*total)--; printf("\n-- Success!\n"); } else { printf("\n-- Do not find this id!\n"); } return head; } //功能:输出某条数据 //入参:数据地址 //出参:无 void PrintOneRecord(RECORD *p) { printf("Name:%s\tPhonenumber:%s\tProvince:%s\tCity:%s\tStreet::%s\tPostcode:%s\t\n", p->name, p->phonenumber, p->address[0], p->address[1], p->address[2], p->postcode); } //功能:更改数据 //入参:数据地址 //出参:无 RECORD *ReviseRecord(RECORD *head){ RECORD *p1 = head, *p2,*searchResult,*input = (RECORD *) malloc(sizeof(RECORD)); //返回需要更改的数组地址 searchResult = SearchRecord(head, 1); if (!searchResult){ return head; } //输入数据 printf("\nInput the newRecord`s Name:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->name, CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("Input the newRecord`s Phone Number:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->phonenumber,CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("Input the Record`s Address:\n"); printf("- Input the newRecord`s Province:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[0], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input the newRecord`s City:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[1], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input the newRecord`s Street:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->address[2], CHARMAX + 1, stdin); printf("- Input the newRecord`s Postcode:"); fflush(stdin); fgets(input->postcode, 7, stdin); //插入时放于链表的最后 input->next = NULL; while (p1 != NULL && p1 != searchResult) { p2 = p1; //p2上一个节点 p1 = p1->next; //p1下一个节点 } if (p1 == head) { head = input; input->next = p1->next; free(p1); //是否要释放? printf("\n-- Success the Revise!\n"); } else if (p1 != NULL) { p2->next = input; input->next = p1->next; free(p1); printf("\n-- Success Revise!\n"); } else { printf("\n-- Do not find this id!\n"); } AlterString(head); return head; } //功能:搜索数据,并返回唯一搜索结果 //入参:链表首地址,是否要求返回唯一结果 //出参:数据地址 RECORD *SearchRecord(RECORD *head, int onlyOneRecord) { int amount = 0, i = 0, selection = 0; //i,p1循环变量 char input[CHARMAX]; RECORD *p1 = head, *results[100] = {NULL}; //result是RECORD类型的指针数组 printf("\n-- Search the record:"); setbuf(stdin, NULL); fgets(input, CHARMAX + 1, stdin); //去除字符串回车 for (i = 0; i < CHARMAX; ++i) { if (*((input) + i) == '\n') { *((input) + i) = '\0'; } } //遍历搜索 while (p1 != NULL) { if (strstr(p1->name, input) || //strstr()判断是否为子串 strstr(p1->phonenumber, input) || strstr(p1->address[0], input) || strstr(p1->address[1], input) || strstr(p1->address[2], input) || strstr(p1->postcode, input)) { results[amount] = p1; amount++; } p1 = p1->next; } //若有多个结果,提示用户选择 if (amount > 1) { printf("\n-- Search Result:\n"); for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) { printf("NO.%d\t", i + 1); PrintOneRecord(results[i]); } if (!onlyOneRecord) { return NULL; //如果不需要去重,则返回NULL } printf("\n-- Input the number you want to change: "); scanf("%d", &selection); //处理输入数据不正确,默认返回第一个 if (selection - 1 > amount || selection < 0) { printf("\n-- Wrong input (Choose the first record automatically)"); return results[0]; } return results[selection - 1]; } else if (!amount) { printf("\n-- Sorry! No result!"); return NULL; } else { printf("\n-- Search Result:\n"); PrintOneRecord(results[0]); return results[0]; } } //功能:导入文件中的数据 //入参:链表首地址,总条数 //出参:数据地址 RECORD *ImportRecords(RECORD *head, int *total) { int i = *total,m=3; FILE *fpRead; RECORD *p = head, *input; fpRead = fopen("stu.txt","r"); if(fpRead==NULL){ printf("can't open file\n"); return 0; } do { //输入数据 input = (RECORD *) malloc(sizeof(RECORD)); fread(input, sizeof(struct record),1,fpRead); input->next = NULL; //插入时放于链表的最后 //插入数据,分为首数据和非首数据 if (head == NULL) { head = input; p = input; } else { while (p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; } p->next = input; } //增加数据计数 (*total)++; m--; } while (m); return head; } //功能:搜索数据,并返回唯一搜索结果 //入参:链表首地址,是否要求返回唯一结果 //出参:数据地址 RECORD *ExportRecords(RECORD *head){ FILE *fp; struct record *p=head; if((fp=fopen("stu.txt","wb"))==NULL) { printf("Fail to open the stu.txt!\n"); exit(0); } while(p != NULL) { fwrite(p, sizeof(struct record),1,fp); p=p->next; } fclose(fp); printf("you have save correctly!\n"); return 0; }