def print_file_info(file_name): f = None try: f = open(file_name, "r", encoding = "utf-8") print(type(f)) # # <class '_io.TextIOWrapper'> except Exception as reason: print("open file fail") else: # 如果未抛出异常会进入else print(f.read()) #读取文件并打印 finally: # 该部分都会执行 if f: f.close()
f = open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp","r",encoding = "UTF-8") print(f.read(2)) #读取n个字符 print(f.readline(5)) # 读取当前行的字符, 若超过当前行字符, 则读取下一行 print(f.readline()) #默认读取当前行所有字符 print(f.readlines(1)) # 读取 n 行封装至列表内, 无参数则把文件每一行都封装 ['\\name\n'] for i in f: print(i) print(f.read()) #续着上次未读完的继续 f.close() #关闭文件 with open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "r", encoding = "utf=8") as f: print(f.readlines()) print(f.read()) # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.
f=open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "w", encoding = "utf-8") # 如果存在直接覆盖, 不存在就新建 f.write("add") # write 并没有真正写入硬盘中, 而是放置于缓冲区 f.flush() # 直到调用 flush() 或 close() 时, 缓冲区中的内容才真正写入 f.close() with open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "a", encoding= "utf-8") as f: # 追加 f.write("new")
count = 0 with open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "r", encoding = "utf-8") as f: for line in f: w = line.split(" ") print(w) for i in w: if i == "the": count += 1 print(f"the出现的次数是{count}") with open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "r",encoding = "UTF-8") as f: k = f.read() p = k.split(" ") print(p.count("the"))
with open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: line.strip() g = open("xxx.txt", "a", encoding = "utf-8") g.write(f"{line}")
f = open("C:/Users/sewerperson/Desktop/intro.cpp", "r", encoding = "UTF-8") data=f.read() data=data.replace("replace me",'') data=data[:-2] #略去后两个字符